Kieni Dairy Products Ltd (KDPL) is a public company formed in 2011, with registration No.C.4/2016. It’s owned by smallholder dairy farmers who are grouped under 8 dairy farmers cooperative societies.
KDPL is 100 % owned by over 15000 members drawn from 8 co-operative societies.
The company have over 5000 shareholders, majority of them individual farmers.KDPL aims to provide returns to dairy farmers and also provide value for money to consumers by offering quality and affordable dairy products.
KDPL is the exclusive marketing organization for ‘Highridge’ brands. It operates through Highridge shop outlets spread in major towns, distributors and large number of retailers
KDPL products ranges from fresh pasteurized milk, flavoured yoghurt, plain yoghurt and maziwa lala
In 2022/2023 KDPL had sales turnover of over ksh 250,000,000 Million with over 90% being paid to farmers
About Us
KDPL is a 100% farmer owned limited liability company whose main objective is to collect, bulk, process and market members’ milk in the Kenyan market. The company is situated in Kieni-West sub-county of Nyeri County in Kenya
1995: Company was established 2010: KDPL commenced operations.
2022: Acquired a 2000 ltrs per hour pasteurizer 2022: Launched the Delicious Highridge Yoghurt brand.
About Us
The KDPL Model of dairy development is a three tiered structure with Village Dairy Farmers Cooperative Societies receiving milk from producers and delivering it to KDPL for processing and marketing to the end user/consumer KDPL Model has helped Nyeri county to be among the largest milk producers in Kenya Currently KDPL processes milk from 8 DFCS namely: Watuka, Mweiga, Lamuria, Nairutia, Muratha, Gataragwa,Thururthuru and Kieni DFCS Their milk is marketed to Nyeri and neighboring counties and also in Nairobi county after processing KDPL business model offers employment opportunities to over 2000 people (mostly youth and women) directly and indirectly through sourcing, processing, marketing and distribution.
Watuka Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Mweiga Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Lamuria Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Nairutia Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Gataragwa Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Thuruthuru Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Kieni Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
Muratha Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society